Vitebsk State Medical University
Vitebsk State Medical University was founded in November 1934. It included 32 theoretical and clinical departments. For the large merits in training physicians for public health of Asia, Africa, Near East and Latin America, the Vitebsk State Medical Institute was awarded with the Medal of Peoples Friendship by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In the beginning of 1999, according to the Ministry of Education Vitebsk State Medical Institute was accredited to a University status.
In 1940, Medical faculty was opened with 32 theoretical and clinical departments.
1981 teaching foreign students in Medicine & Pharmaceuticals faculties started.
In 1984 the Faculty for Advanced Specialization in General Medicine was established.
In 1999, for the experience in training physicians for Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America, Vitebsk State Medical Institute was awarded with the Medal of Peoples Friendship by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Union.
The same year it was accredited to University status.
Vitebsk State Medical University is ranked very high among the former USSR medical educational establishments. It has highest number of foreign students from all over the world, which makes it an international educational institution.
There are 374 lecturers of whom 57 are Professors and 120 – Associate Professors. The scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences have 55 lectures and 210 – are Candidates of Sciences. There are 13 scientific academic schools at the University . There are 5 comfortable hostels for students of Vitebsk State Medical University.
Nowadays the University scientists perform researches on 40 perspective medical projects. There are 45 scientific study groups of students. The magazines “Surgery News” and “Pharmacy News”, “Immunology” are published by the University.
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